Emergency Preparedness Resources

Emergency Preparedness Resources from Protection 1
Read all about devices you can add to your home security system that will provide additional protection for your home and family.
The Benefits of a Backup Plan: Your Alarm System Backup Batteries
Keep your home protected with with backup power and system redundancies. More >
The Advantages of a Protection 1 Carbon Monoxide Alarm
Carbon monoxide detectors are required in the home in many states. More >
What It Means When Your Carbon Monoxide Detector Alarm Beeps
Your carbon monoxide detector can prevent exposure to this harmful gas. More >
Protect Your Home From Extreme Temperatures With an Automated Thermostat
Protect your home and loved ones from extreme heat or cold. More >
Four Reasons to Invest in a Remote Thermostat
Programmable thermostats help you monitor and manage energy use and notify you of potential problems. More >
Stay Prepared With a Wireless Carbon Monoxide Detector
A wireless carbon monoxide detector alerts you before levels of the odorless, tasteless gas become toxic. More >
Be Prepared With a Wireless Smoke/Heat Alarm
This alarm protects you and your family in case of emergency or extreme temperatures. More >
Fire Safety Plan Checklist
Everyone in your family should know their role in your home’s fire safety plan. Most importantly, kids should be familiar with how smoke detectors sound and what your home fire escape plan is. More >